Recordings to Soothe Life's Stresses
Sound Healing Vibration to Help Grief, Anxiety, Burnout, General Dis-ease, Unhappiness, & Insomnia
Invite and Breathe in Joy,
Relaxation, Inspiration, & Ease
High Quality Audio Professionally Recorded By Chris Rosser, Producer, Singer-Songwriter, Composer, Multi-instrumentalist
Sound is Medicine. Pre-2020, I led a weekly sound healing class for grief, depression, anxiety, and general dis-ease with life. I get it. I've been there and have also struggled to accept life as it is. Sometimes it just takes time for the whole "change your thoughts, change your life" thing...and countless regulars have attested that when they tried everything to just get back to "normal" or shift the sadness or dis-ease, it was sound vibration that finally helped them feel better and create a new neural pathway to feeling better everyday. I know it has helped me that way in my own life. When I just want to go within, silence my monkey mind, and find ease....I retreat to sound for medicine.
Here you find recordings I've made to do just that! Each recording features a sound remedy for a particular emotion, state, or feeling. It is paired with a meditation that you can continue on your own to expand results. The key to changing our lives and limiting beliefs is to let the body & brain FEEL something different. This creates a new neural pathway in the brain, namely in this case, the FEELING in your body during and especially at the end of the session. Then, bring yourself back with repetition to this feeling, and that repetition deepens that new neural pathway. With practice, it teaches our brains a new equilibrium.
Because emotions often are slippery and we feel such a range of them, the recordings are made with an emotional color and sense in mind and this allows you to receive and choose what you are feeling in that instant. Listen over and over; they are yours to keep for eternity, download on your device. The medicine chest is here to support you with remedies along life's journey.
I recommend to
use headphones
for highest quality sound and to feel the binaural beat that I created while recording, sit or lay down and be comfortable, silence all ringers and other intruding sounds, and let this sweet, soothing medicine free your mind, hug your heart, and relax your body.

Currently I have recorded sound healing sessions for Soothing Anxiety and for Relaxation. I plan to record more once I see the interest in other intentions and get my instruments back to the studio. So please send me a message to let me know if there is an intentional recording (for inspiration, to help grief, for insomnia, etc) that you would be interested in.
Learn more about Dawn and her sessions here (www.soundofanewdawn.com)